How to look after your Turntable

How to look after your


Vinyl records have made a big comeback in recent years, and turntables have become an essential component of many music enthusiasts’ setups. Turntables are a delicate piece of equipment, and taking good care of them is crucial to ensure they perform optimally and provide you with the best sound quality. In this article, we will discuss how to look after your turntable, with Audio-Technica turntables as a resource for discussion points.

1. Cleaning Your Turntable

Cleaning your turntable regularly is crucial to keep it in excellent working condition. Dirt and dust can accumulate on the turntable, leading to decreased sound quality and potential damage to the stylus and tonearm. Here are some tips on how to clean your turntable:
  • Use a carbon fiber brush to remove any dust and debris from the turntable’s surface. Gently run the brush over the turntable in a circular motion to avoid damaging the stylus.
  • Use a stylus cleaning brush to remove any debris from the stylus. Place the brush on the stylus and gently lift it to remove any dust or debris.
  • Use a record cleaning kit to deep clean your vinyl records. This will remove any dust and debris from the grooves, providing you with a clean surface for your stylus to read.

2. Adjusting The Tonearm

The tonearm is a vital component of your turntable that carries the stylus across the vinyl’s grooves. It’s essential to adjust the tonearm correctly to avoid damaging your records and to achieve optimal sound quality. Here are some tips on how to adjust the tonearm:
  • Set the tracking force. The tracking force is the amount of pressure the stylus exerts on the vinyl. Audio-Technica turntables come with a tracking force gauge to help you set the correct tracking force. This will ensure your stylus is not too light or too heavy and will not cause damage to your records.
  • Set the anti-skate. The anti-skate controls the horizontal movement of the tonearm, preventing it from skipping or skating across the record. Audio-Technica turntables have an adjustable anti-skate control to help you set the correct level for your turntable.
  • Set the vertical tracking angle (VTA). The VTA affects the tonal balance of your turntable, so it’s important to set it correctly. Audio-Technica turntables come with a height adjustment mechanism to help you set the correct VTA for your turntable.

3. Storing Your Turntable

Storing your turntable correctly is crucial to protect it from damage and ensure it performs optimally. Here are some tips on how to store your turntable:
  • Store your turntable in a dry, dust-free location. Dust and moisture can damage your turntable, so it’s important to store it in a dry, clean location.
  • Keep your turntable covered. When not in use, keep your turntable covered to protect it from dust and debris.
  • Store your turntable in a level position. Your turntable must be stored in a level position to prevent any damage to the tonearm or stylus.
Looking after your turntable is crucial to ensure it performs optimally and provides you with the best sound quality. Regular cleaning, adjusting the tonearm correctly, and storing your turntable correctly are essential to keep your turntable in excellent working condition. Audio-Technica turntables are high-quality pieces of equipment that provide exceptional sound quality. By following these tips, you can enjoy your vinyl records to the fullest and ensure your Audio-Technica turntable lasts for years to come.

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